June 2016

Drayton sponsor Lands’ End to John o’Groats Cycle Challenge.

"We are very proud to sponsor Drayton Partner Byron and his cycle team from start to finish, along with so many friends of the business"

Drayton Partner Byron Beatty and his cycle team, Heath, Graham, Keith and Ade are taking on the challenge of riding from Lands’ End to John o'Groats. After months of hard and dedicated training they aim to achieve this in 9 days, averaging 110 miles each day, all in aid of a very import cause. The team set off on Friday 10th June and are due to complete the ride on Saturday 18th June.

The team are raising money for the Children's Head Injury Equipment Fund (CHIEF), an organisation very personal to members of the cycle team. The charity provide specialised equipment for children who have acquired a traumatic brain injury through road traffic accidents, strokes or infection. All donations will provide equipment to rehabilitate Balance, Dexterity and hopefully an Electric wheelchair.

This is for a fantastic cause and we are proud to sponsor the team all the way, along with many others, and a big thank you to all who have supported with kind donations including food and drink supplies to help keep the team’s energy and spirits high, prizes for local fairs and raffles, sport and safety equipment for the ride, as well as donations towards the charity and sponsorship.

To read more about LEJOG and the work of CHIEF please Click Here

Best of British Byron & Co!